

Author={Savitch-Lew, Abigail},
Title={Skeptics Say City’s Environmental Studies Understate Damage from Development},
journal={City Limits},
comment={An in-depth look at the problems with NYC’s environmental review process (EIS/CEQR), including the perspective of community organizers. },
category={ULURP, CUP, ceqr, eis, environmental review}

Author={Weaver, Shaye},
Title={Board Unanimously Approves Plan to Cap Sutton Place Building Heights},
comment={The East River 50s Alliance is proposing a rezoning that they developed themselves to impose a height cap limit of 260 feet for new developments.},
category={ULURP, rezoning, CUP}
% This is a rare example of a rezoning/ULURP kicked off by a community organization.
% Of course THIS community organization is led by two well-established planners in partnership with a bunch of architects, lawyers, and politicians.

Author={Abraham, Rohan},
Title={Do New York’s Community Boards Need Veto Power?},
journal={City Limits},
comment={A look at the power of community boards, and whether they should have the power to veto proposals (which would require a change to the City Charter).},
category={ULURP, CUP, city charter, community boards}

Author={Geiger, Daniel},
Title={City reaches 160 million deal for last piece of Bushwick Inlet Park},
comment={The city did finally manage to buy all the parcels for Bushwick Inlet Park, promised during the 2005 rezoning of Williamsburg/Greenpoint. Of course they spent more than their entire budget just acquiring the land and it’s been 11 years since the ULURP.},
category={ULURP, Zoning, CUP, bushwick inlet park, williamsburg}

Author={Hobbs, Allegra},
Title={City Reviewing Two Plans to Curb Influx of High-Rises on LES Waterfront},
journal={DNA Info},
comment={Community members and electeds are pushing the Department of City Planning to reclassify two planned Lower East Side waterfront high-rises in the Two Bridges neighborhood as major modifications'' instead of their current designation as minor modifications’’. Major modifications would mean that the proposals have to go through ULURP.},
category={ULURP, les, two bridges, high-rises, dcp, planning, CUP}
% I didn’t realize the “major modifications” designation was so flexible, and could be argued by lawyers.

Author={deMause, Neil},
Title={Tests Loom for De Blasio’s Approach to Community Planning},
journal={City limits},
comment={A nice overview article looking at the history of community planning, and the possibility that it could be different under deBlasio.},
category={Zoning, ULURP, 197a, williamsburg, rezoning, community planning}

title={Winning construction jobs for local residents: A user’s Guide for community organizing campaigns},
author={Rubin, Kate and Slater, Doug},
journal={Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law. Accessed June},
comment={A report that looks at techniques for getting community benefits from construction projects, mostly by persuing ``High-Road Contractors’’.},
category={ULURP, CUP, construction jobs, livable wages, prevailing wages}

Author={Savitch-Lew, Abigail},
Title={City Plans Database to Track Promises Made During Rezonings},
journal={City Limits},
comment = {There is currently a bill before NYC City Council that would require the city to keep a database of any promises made during the rezoning process. Community groups criticise the measure for not including enforcement mechanisms.},
category = {ULURP, rezonings, Zoning, accountability, transparency, CUP}

Author={Anuta, Joe},
Title={City withdraws plan to create new Queens neighborhood},
journal={The New York Times},
comment = {The city has withdrawn its proposal to rezone Flushing West (not to be confused with Willets Point, which is not to be confused with Hallets Point) which was proposed as a part of De Blasio’s 15 neighborhoods to be rezoned. City Planning Commission supported the claims of the local councilperson that the proposed rezoning would interfere with LaGuardia’s flight paths and increase problems with combined sewage overflow.},
category = {ULURP, flushing west, CUP, laguardia, combined sewage, rezonings}

Author={Savitch-Lew, Abigail},
Title={Other Nabes and de Blasio Team Draw Lessons from East New York Rezoning Struggle},
journal={City Limits},
comment = {An article recapping the ENY rezoning process, including notes on what could be done better, and how the city should handle future rezonings. Emily Goldstein, senior campaign organizer at the Association for Neighborhood Hosing and Development (ANHD), says there's a warning here for all future rezoning neighborhoods: Community advocates must seek to understand what the administration can truly guarantee, and what is beyond its ability to control. In addition, by focusing on the block-by-block specifics of the rezoning plan, advocates can ensure solid commitments. "If you scale down a little bit on the scope of the rezoning, then you scale down a little bit on the uncertainty," she says.'' For many advocates, the biggest disappointment is the lack of units for families making below 30 percent AMI, who make up approximately a third of the population of East New York or roughly 12,000 families. The plan guarantees only about 150 units for households with those incomes.’’ The decline of federal investment in public housing and section 8 vouchers—historically, the main tools used to provide housing for "extremely low income" families—has left many cities struggling to provide shelter for their poorest residents. East New York advocates thought they could press de Blasio to devote more subsidies, but the administration insisted that the math doesn't work: if developers are required to provide more than 10 to 15 percent of units for people making below 30 percent AMI, administrators argued, they couldn't meet their operating costs, even with subsidies.'' “I think that the city has learned the extent to which local communities…want to be doing a detailed level of planning, and don’t just want a vague promise, and aren’t just willing to settle for what might have been the norm even five or ten years ago,” says ANHD organizer Goldstein.’’ ``There’s at least one thing DCP has been doing differently in other rezoning neighborhoods: In Flushing, the Bronx’s Jerome, and Staten Island’s Bay Street, the city has begun its outreach efforts by forming a stakeholder advisory committee with local elected officials, community organizations and other local leaders. These committees have provoked different reactions: in Jerome, frustration with the exclusivity of an “invite-only” committee lead to the formation of the Bronx Coalition for a Community Vision, which developed its own plan. In Staten Island, however, Bobby Digi, the executive director of the nonprofit Island Voice and president of the North Shore Business Alliance, lauded both the diversity and inclusivity of the Bay Street steering committee. East Harlem is a whole other story, with a steering committee of local groups appointed by Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito that has developed its own neighborhood plan.’’},
category = {ULURP, CUP, rezonings, east new york, east harlem, anhd, jerome ave, bronx}
% references the fact, once again, that the city at the same time it depends on section 8 and public housing to serve the very lowest income people, doesn’t support them because it sees them as federal problems. Meanwhile the feds continue to defund those programs.

Author={Tcholakia, Danielle},
Title={City Reneges on Promised Public Parks in Greenwich Village, Board Says},
comment = {During a 1999 ULURP for the city to acquire private land to build shafts for the water tunnel project, the DEP offered to turn 3 sites in the Lower East Side into parks. In two later site acquisition ULURPS in 2003, DEP said they supported parks, but didn’t commit to them. Now the DEP is showing no sign of building any parks.},
category = {parks, dep, ULURP, les, water tunnel project}

Author={Calmes, Maggie},
Title={To Influence Rezoning, East Harlem Stakeholders Preempt City Plan With Own},
journal={Gotham Gazette},
comment = {A coalition of community groups led by City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito released a list of recommendations for their neighborhood before the Department of City Planning could release its rezoning proposal. The idea is to pre-empt the city’s recommendations. The plan breaks down what can be accomplished through zoning and what can’t, and makes recommendtions based on feasability and the mechanism for change.},
category = {east harlem, rezoning, density, ULURP, CUP}

Author={Kilgannon, Corey},
Title={Greater Diversity Sought for New York City’s Community Boards},
journal={The New York Times},
comment = {Councilmember Torres is trying to reform the makeup of Community Boards, calling them a ``gerontocracy’’.},
category = {community boards, ULURP, CUP}

Author={Anuta, Joe},
Title={Key Brooklyn pols oppose East New York rezoning},
journal={Crain’s New York Business},
comment = {Eric Adams and local City Council member Espinal come out in opposition to Easy New York rezoning, with recommendations on what should be changed.},
category = {ulurp, CUP, brooklyn borough president}

Author={Anuta, Joe},
Title={How developers can escape the mayor’s affordable housing mandate},
journal={Crain’s New York},
comment = {The mayor’s Mandatory Inclusionary Housing proposal has a clause saying that developers can apply for relief from the requirement if they can’t earn a profit because of it. This is necessary to make the proposal constitutional.},
category = {mandatory inclusionary housing, MIH, ZQA, ulurp, CUP, affordable housing}

Author={Stringer, Scott M.},
Title={Mandatory Inclusionary Housing and the East New York Rezoning},
journal={City of New York, Office of the Comptroller},
comment = {The comptroller releases and analysis of the ENY EIS that concludes that 50,000 people will be displaced by the rezoning. Has the usual suggestions of how to do it better: custom rezonings, local MFI, anti-harassment measures.},
category = {comptroller, ENY, EIS, mandatory inclusionary housing, MIH, ZQA, ulurp, CUP, affordable housing}

Author={Zimmer, Amy and Mays, Jeff},
Title={Rezoning East New York Would Displace 50,000 Residents, Comptroller Says},
comment = {Story on Scott Stringer’s report (stringermiheny). Includes mention other programs that are more targeted towards the smaller buildings that are common in ENY.},
category = {comptroller, ENY, EIS, mandatory inclusionary housing, MIH, ZQA, ulurp, CUP, affordable housing}
% This story: \url{} has de Blasio saying that the comptroller should stick to comptrolling.

Author={Dawsey, Josh},
Title={New York City Zoning Plan Is Under Fire},
journal={Wall Street Journal},
comment = {According to this article, Melissa Mark-Viverito says that MIH/ZQA are not going to get past the City Council without major changes.},
category = {mandatory inclusionary housing, MIH, ZQA, ulurp, CUP, affordable housing}

Author={Goldenberg, Sally},
Title={Amid citywide resistance, de Blasio does damage control on housing plan},
journal={Politico New York},
comment = {The mayor himself has shrugged off the votes by the community boards, saying that while he takes them into account, they “don't have a perfect vantage point on their communities,” and the administration is now focused on convincing City Council members, who will ultimately determine the fate of the proposals in a vote sometime next year.'' That process is more politically challenging than a typical rezoning, in which the full Council defers to the local member on development projects. In this case, the administration will be negotiating the individual interests of all 51 members, because the proposals are citywide.’’ "The bottom line is we're being boxed in by our community boards and we can't ignore our community boards," said one member of the Council, who would only speak on background.'' Several sources said the administration is more likely to alter Zoning for Quality and Affordability, but is less inclined to change Mandatory Inclusionary Housing.’’},
category = {mandatory inclusionary housing, MIH, ZQA, ulurp, CUP, affordable housing}

Author={Whitford, Emma},
Title={Manhattan Community Boards Demand More Affordable Housing In De Blasio’s Zoning Plan},
comment = {The Manhattan Borough Board voted against the MIH/ZQA plan. ``Mayor de Blasio emphasized the Community Board’s relative lack of political influence at an unrelated press conference on Monday afternoon. “Everyone knows, in this city, community boards are part of a much bigger process that includes the City Council, the City Planning Commission, the Mayor’s Office,” he said. “So, those advisory votes are meaningful, but they’re not the final word.” The mayor added that community boards “are often negative” when it comes to the prospect of new development in their neighborhoods. “That’s not a news flash. We know that,” he said. “I think over time we’ll be able to show people that it works.”’’},
category = {mandatory inclusionary housing, MIH, ZQA, ulurp, CUP, affordable housing}
% The Times follows up: \url{}

Author={The Editorial Board},
Title={Affordable Housing vs. Gentrification},
journal={The New York Times},
comment = {Good summary of the difficulties of getting communities to support the mayor’s Mandatory Inclusionary Housing and Zoning for Quality and Affordability initiatives. A meeting of Community Board 11 in East Harlem this month was typical of gatherings across the boroughs. It began with a consultant’s slide show that seemed designed to stupefy anyone not steeped in the worlds of real estate and zoning.'' And the necessity of being a certain type of person even if you get selected by the lottery in order to win affordable housing: “All you win is the privilege of applying for an apartment,” Mr. Padilla said. “Do you have perfect credit? A spotless criminal record? Citizenship? Political connections? Without these things you will not sign a lease.”’’},
category = {ulurp, CUP, affordable housing, mandatory inclusionary housing}

Author={Chait, Jocelyne},
Title={The State of 197-a Planning in New York City},
journal={Municipal Arts Society Planning Center},
year = {1998},
comment = {Critique of 197-a plans.},
category = {197-a, ulurp, CUP}

Author={Smith, Rachel Holliday},
Title={Vote to Rescind Crown Heights Rezoning Study Sparks Confusion},
comment = {Crown Heights CB9 passed a resolution asking DCP to do a rezoning study of their neighborhood. Then they recinded it.},
category = {ulurp, CUP, rezoning, Crown Heights}

Author={deMause, Neil},
Title={Bushwick Developer Sells Out, Takes Housing Promises With Him},
journal={City Limits},
comment = {One developer buys the Rheingold site, takes it through ULURP to rezone it, signs a CBA with the community, and then sells the site to another developer who has no obligation to meet the CBA requirements. Seems like a terrible precedent.},
category = {ulurp, CUP, Rheingold, CBA}

Author={Savitch-Lew, Abigail},
Title={Chinatown Zoning Plan Meets Resistance in de Blasio Administration},
journal={City Limits},
comment = {DCP claims that the Chinatown Working Groups extensive rezoning plan developed with Pratt Center and calling for a new Special District, is too broad and wants to develop something narrower. This is a good example of the futility of comprehensive community planning ahead of a rezoning.},
category = {zoning, ulurp, CUP, Chinatown, Special Districts}

Author={Burnley, Malcolm},
Title={New Worker Co-op Could Shift Queens Gentrification Story},
journal={Next City},
comment = {The Astoria Cove Community Benefits Agreement includes hiring a worker co-op of public housing residents for security.},
category = {CBAs, Community Benefits Agreements, Astoria Cove, Hallets Point, ulurp, CUP}

Author={Hughes, C. J.},
Title={Developers Hope to Change the Face of Transit Hub in Jamaica, Queens},
journal={The New York Times},
comment = {Covers the proposed redevelopment around the transit hub in Jamaica},
category = {Jamacia, Queens, CUP, ulurp, Affordable Housing, gentrification}

Author={Najarro, Ileana},
Title={Community Board Approves Redevelopment Plan for Brooklyn Public Library Branch},
journal={The New York Times},
comment = {Community Board approves redevelopment of library at Cadman Plaza, including 100+ units of affordable housing, by Hudson Companies.},
category = {ulurp, libraries, CUP}

title={Community Benefits Agreements: A New Local Government Tool or Another Variation on the Exactions Theme?},
author={Been, Vicki},
journal={The University of Chicago Law Review},
comment ={Advocates of CBAs believe that CBAs give the residents affected by a development a say regarding all the ways in which a proposal may change the local community, without regard to whether those impacts fit neatly within the current definition of land use’’ or environmental impacts.'' The normal land use process, advocates claim, focuses on traditional land use concerns, such as the height and bulk of a project, and accordingly does not always ensure that those most affected by the development have a voice in shaping all the ways in which the development could affect or benefit the community.60 CBAs allow neighborhoods to negotiate their own mitigation and benefits without having to worry about the Nollan-Dolan nexus and proportionality requirements, which might apply if the city were involved in the negotiations.'' CBAs have the benefit of not having to meet the Nollan-Dolan nexus, so communities can ask for whatever they want. But if governments start requesting or requiring CBAs it could legally undermine that and make Nollan-Dolan required: If the leverage'' community groups have to convince developers to enter into negotiations stems from an explicit or implicit requirement that landowner enter into a CBA before seeking government approval of the land use proposal, the courts may view the negotiations as posing no less (and perhaps more) risk of extortion,’’ to use the Nollan Court’s term, than the local government’s processes at issue in that case.’’ As of Vicki’s paper in 2010 this hasn’t been tested in court (pretty sure it still hasn’t).},
category = {ulurp, CUP}

title={Our hidden government benefits},
author={Mettler, Suzanne},
journal={The New York Times},
url = {},
comment = {Mettler is researching the idea that most people are unaware of many benefits of government, including the mortgage interest deduction and tax free health and retirement plans. She calls this phenomenon the ``submerged state’’. Most programs with high government contact, like food stamps, are directed to the poor, so there’s a social justice implication.},
category = {poverty, government programs}

title={The Future of Us All: Race and Neighborhood Politics in New York City},
author={Sanjek, R.},
series={Anthropology of contemporary issues},
publisher={Cornell University Press},
comment = {Has some discussion of a plan in Queens led by Richard Bearak when he was a city planner in 1987. There’s a section called “The Politics of Place” that looks interesting, but I can’t read all of it on Google Books.},
category = {ulurp, CUP}

Author={Williams, Zach},
Title={`Nope!’ is the word at scope meeting for proposed zoning changes},
journal={The Villager},
comment = {Summary of the scoping hearing for DeBlasio’s proposed zoning resolution changes},
category = {ulurp, zoning, housing, CUP}

Author={Angotti, Tom},
journal={Tom Angotti},
comment = {This is a terrific introduction to ULURP written by Tom Angotti. It gives both the background to ULURP and the history. It also lays out what works and what doesn’t, which is something you don’t get if you just read DCP’s pages about the process.},
category = {ulurp, land use, CUP}

Author={Warren, Charles S. and Finger, Toni L and Mintzer, Karen Leo},
Title={Environmental review under the city’s new blueprint process},
comment = {Brief but detailed description of the NYC environmental
review process.},
category = {EIS, EAS, ulurp, CUP}

Author={Bagli, Charles V.},
Title={Despite Amenities, South Street Seaport Redevelopment Plans Stall Over a High-Rise},
journal={The New York Times},
comment = {About the history and stall out of the planned tower development at South Street Seaport.},
category = {development, CUP}

Author={Marton, Janos},
Title={The City Owes North Brooklyn A Park: The Legitimacy of Its Land Use Process Is At Stake},
comment = {Blog argument that the city owes North Brooklyn the Bushwick Inlet Park they promised during the 2005 rezoning of Greenpoint/Williamsburg. Also talks about this history of that rezoning, including the 197-A. Makes the claim that not delivering the park would undermine promises made in new ULURP processes. Also posted in the Gotham Gazette: \url{}},
category = {ulurp, CUP, bushwick inlet park}